A new year,a new me....(hopefully)
So here's 2010 at last and I am mighty glad of it. 2009 really pissed me off for various reasons. But you know what, I have great hopes for 2010....I just have a feeling that it's going to be different. I want it to be different. I want to BE different. I want to be SOMETHING.
So here's the plan:
1) I am going to try new kinds of food. I have already developed a liking for pasta, a food group which I never thought much of before(is it a food group? I'm sure it is to italians) and i gotta say...I LIKE it! I am also going to learn how to cook; not boring stuff like rotis n all but interesting stuff like.. er...pasta!
2) I am going to find out by the end of this year, what exactly it is that I wish to do in life. I need to find out if I have an aptitude for a career in animation..
3)I am going to watch different kinds of movies. I have already tried a few and it's quite refreshing...I used to always watch those silly rom-coms but post 500 days of summer,becoming jane, oceans eleven and julie and julia, I feel quite changed :P
(btw, this does not mean I don't still love those silly rom-coms:))
4)By the end of this year I will have advanced my knowledge in the field of computer science, either through an internship or through classes...n I will do it!
5) I will not give up halfway on stuff...like this blog for instance. I SHAN'T abandon it.
So there it is...My year-long plan.. What do you think non-existent readers? " I don't think she'll go through with it"? Hah well I'll show you, I will. I am going to decribe my progress or lack-thereof right here and lets see how it goes. I will not let this be just a product of weekend boredom. It will be THE product of weekend boredom!
Igor, pull the switch!
More later,
Determined not to quit....
Did,nt expect writing to mean blogging..but its a nice beginning to resurrection. Do keep it up..
btw.this is you know who! :P
hehe u too?? give link! n yes this is all the writing i can do now...
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