I'm sure all of us, at one point or another, have mulled over the extreme complexity of life. When we were little, things were simple, like, dislike(kinda like facebook :P), do, don't do, listen to parents, don't listen, tell the truth, lie and so on. Then the inevitable happens- You grow up. You read stuff, you experience stuff, you meet complex characters, the world isn't black and white anymore. It's like this messy, abstract painting with the random spots of bright color representing happy times with people you love. Gradually, your perspective changes, what seemed horrifying before doesn't seem so bad now. You're old enough to start fighting your childhood fears, you're old enough to hide stuff from your parents without feeling guilty, you're old enough to realise that people are flawed. Life is pretty short and we all want to get it right, because hello, we only live once. Wait, what I'm saying here is that we'll probably never understand the complexity of life, the irony of fate, the selfishness of human beings, why things don't happen when we so badly want them to, why one has to go down to go up(seriously, what is up with that?), whether fate really controls us, whether karma will catch up to us....I mean, who knows?
I think there are hardly any boundaries left these days. Nobody defines any, who even started it? The thing is boundaries, though limiting and prehistoric, make things feel simpler and safer. Remember those days when we had 'best friends' and used to literally declare it? "Oh, she's my best friend". Now we have a bunch of close friends who are probably close friends with another bunch of people, you don't really talk about how close you are. When we were kids, friendships were simple. Now you find yourself wondering, we were so tight, how did we drift apart? Should I call? Maybe they don't want to talk, what would they think? When did things become so complicated?? Even with romance, the more books I read, the more movies I watch, the more convinced I am that there's something we don't know. What if love doesn't exist? What if, in the end, everyone just succumbs to attraction and you know gets married because everyone around them is doing it? And, then they just either have affairs or carry on with life because they're too lazy to change anything? Happiness after all is transient. The happy life people refer to is just a term for peace and satisfaction. You can have that without being truly happy, you know, if there's something you know you're missing out on.
Oh, heck what am I going on about?Noone is going to get this!!I'm reading too many sordid books. I just read one where this girl says yes to a proposal from another guy even though she doesn't love him because he's good and makes her feel safe and crap n then realises she's really in love with her sister's husband whom her sister has just walked out on and probably has been for years! Wait, before the boring guy, she had an affair with a very much married man(to his college sweetheart,no less) and she basically liked the boring guy because he made her feel good. In the end, they get together(duh- ex-husband of sister guy and our heroine), of course,(I don't read books with sad endings) apparently he's loved her for years too. Yeesh. That was just disturbing. And yet one finds oneself rooting for just the kind of character we love to hate in chick-lits and one sees things from her point of view- hell, things are complicated, no black and white, everybody has a side, a reason, and a not-so-insane-sounding explanation. Who am I kidding? Crazy book! Stupid love is so complicated(Not that I have much experience but what I do have is plenty of time for brooding). Some people just chase after it all their lives and some people just don't bother. Maybe the latter are happier, they have no expectations after all.
Life gets complicated when you expect things.
I think I just aged like, 30 years.
In my defense, I did title it the disconnected ramblings.
p.s.- All movie and book ramblings from now on only on my page(tell me a story).
p.p.s. I probably shouldn't publish this but I'll go ahead anyway because that's what a blog is all about.
Good night y'all