Ghosts from the Past

How do you deal with your demons?

Those little annoying memories which pop up at inopportune moments and render you extremely uncomfortable?
Come on, everyone has their share of embarrassing crushes, incidents, painful memories that they would rather never be reminded of. Especially post a long struggle to get over them.
This ever happened to you-
You're in a very public place, possibly with friends, and a song plays on the radio; you cringe, almost visibly because that was the very song that reminds you of so and so, or the time when you danced with so and so(the so and so is now a He/She-who-must-not-be-mentioned.Ever.) or the time you sang in front of an unimpressed and unfriendly audience, or the time you were dancing on stage and fell off??
You're first instinct is to run screaming, but that would look excessively odd, so you settle for saying "Fuck, Fuck, will not think!!" repeatedly in your head.
If you're nodding as you read this (and I'm assuming that you are) then phew, I'm not nuts! Okay, maybe not so much at least.

So what is one to do? As discussed, running and screaming will not really help. So when do these phantoms go away?? Do we have to deal with it till our dying day? DOES EVERYBODY NEED THERAPY?? How come therapists don't need therapy??

Did y'all expect an over-smart solution to the problem?
I admit, normally, that would be the case but I really don't have an answer to this one.
Thing about ghosts is, they're going to haunt you till you're not scared anymore right? And for one to be not scared, one would have to accept and laugh off all the embarrassing stuff which would involve thinking about it at length which would totally drive anyone into alcoholism, shopaholism or at the very least to finishing an entire 2 liter bottle of coke and the contents of three ice trays within a span of a couple hours.
So screw that!
I'd rather take the temporary bouts of shudder-inducing unwanted recollections.
Ah, human mind, thou art so er...chicken.

More Later,

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Rainy weather has it's merits

It's raining and I'm euphoric! This means no gym today!

*does a little dance around the room*
So yay, I can now concentrate on whiling away time comfortably in a very pleasant manner by-

1. Reading 'The Quiet Gentleman' by Georgette Heyer. Have I mentioned how much I love Georgette Heyer?? I may even end up naming one of my unfortunate future maybe-children after one of her characters. That's how much I love her! Only consider!
2. Reading Heat Wave. I just discovered this today :O Cannot believe that a book by 'Richard Castle' based on Beckett actually exists! Must find out who actually wrote it, am pretty confused. No way did Nathan Fillion write it.
3. Watching 'Before Sunrise'. Some supposedly cute movie, starring Ethan Hawke and a French Lady. Although this movie may be a little spoiled for me because I saw aforementioned French Lady transform into ugly werewolf in an awful movie called 'An american werewolf in Paris'.
4. Watching Whose Line Is it Anyway. Damn, they're so funny, I don't know what I'll do when I'm finished with all seasons :(

Sigh, I'm off :) We all know there aint nothin' better than lazing around in weather like this!
Happiness and inner peace y'all :P

Whoa, loud, scary crack of thunder. Hmm. May have to re-evaluate stance on inclement weather.
More Later..

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Okay, this is real important.

I had an epiphany last night....

You know how people meditate and do all kinds of stuff to gain true happiness and peace?
I totally found inner peace!
I was lounging on my bed late at night, reading an excellent book and eating chiwda and I was thinking "Damn, this is the life!" and suddenly it struck me that I was totally worry-free, want-free and content.
How cool is that? Who'd have thought that the secret to inner peace lies in the soothing effect of the night air(ok, fine, AC. details, details:P) and in a bowl of potato chiwda(whatever works for you I guess:P).

Man, I'm lucky I love me some me-time. The secret to survival, it is. Try it, y'all. Next time you sit down on that super-comfy couch to watch a good movie or lie down on your bed, listening to the rain fall while reading your favorite book, take a moment to feel great and really soak in that feeling of contentment.
I'm gonna go before I get arrested for the crime of being too corny=/

More Later...

Take me away

So, I've officially gone and dug my grave. I've joined....

(awed silence)
I can't back out now, all paid up. I am so mad at the receptionist guy though! He asked me for my weight and my height and then he goes all " Oh, that comes under obese."
Excuse me?? Obese? I hardly think I am that far gone jerk-face. :( I nearly walked out but then I was like no, must not find excuses to quit before even starting. So I stayed and worked out and all. Yay me! Oh and there is not a single TV in the gym. Also, they asked me to put my mobile phone in some drawer. So basically, I have to work out with no distractions. If they play Umbrella once more, I don't know what I'll do. Must think thin, must think of old jeans which am not fitting into. Oh dear, this is going to be an agonizingly long month. And the television is mocking me by not showing any nice movies. Frankenfish is on now. Frankenfish!! Who, may I ask, is going to watch a movie named Frankenfish???!
Sniff , anyway, I've got a list.
My top 10 holiday destinations(inspired by sayonee and vidya):P

1. Holly Hollywood!

2. New York, the streets will make you feel brand new, big lights will inspire you :D

3. Viva Las Vegas! Casinos, fancy hotels, and all-you-can-eat buffets! Need I say more?

4.Switzerland-ahh ze chocolates and ze ddlj place!

5. Paris- Must go to Paris and eat french fries.

6.I'm thinking Greece. The only place where I might actually be intersted in historical buildings because hello, greek mythology rocks! Except for the Oedipus thing and another freaky story I read.

7. Orlando- Well, duh, Universal Studios.

8.Venice- Something so romantic about venice, I don't know. Must sit in Gondola. Santa Luciaaaa(or whatever that song is)

9. Okay, fine, London. :P

10.Rome- Something so romantic about Rome too.It looked so pretty in the Lizzie McGuire movie. Must go.

So what do you think? Hmm I don't know where to fit in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Miami. Damn. Anyway, I think I'd like to get married in Switzerland. You know, if I ever wish to get married. Or in Vegas, in corny Elvis suits! Bit much? :P Oh, or on a beach. Heck, all three!
Hmm, time to stop writing:P
Good night y'all

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Public Transport From Hell

Autos. How does this word make you feel? Does it make you feel like clawing somebody's eyes out or just clawing at anything? Then you know what I am talking about. What was Volkswagen thinking when they said "Das Auto"? In India! They just probably travel in their little fancy cars or large fancy cars never having known the Indian auto. I know I am babbling(read the title of the blog guys!)

God, they are the epitome of annoying! They should all be banished to Tartarus, only fit place for them. Autos I mean.
I know I said I wasn't making a list but this isn't just a list.
It's a HATE list.

Top 5 WORST things about autos-

5. The way they take speed-breakers. Bumpity Bumpity bump bump. I can practically feel stuff rattling around inside me.

4.They will either take you round and round in circles or say that they know the way and then ask you for directions. If not either of these, the meter will be tweaked. This will probably happen in a completely unfamiliar city. Result-daylight robbery.

3. When you say where you want to go, they grimace and shake their heads and drive off into the sunset. Why? I am not asking you for a loan or something, buddy. Paying you aren't I? I don't want to go to the bloody moon!

2.The way they find excuses to make you pay more. "It's raining" or "It's night" or "You won't get any other autos" or "I'm an asshole". Oops. That was mine. :-/

1. Attitude. Oh my God. And how much! This guy was so rude to me because I didn't have change...He was all "Oh you should have asked if I have change or not before getting in, Go and get change"
Me:"Where am I supposed to go and get change ??"
Auto-jerk(raising his voice, if you please)" I don't know all that! Otherwise, give me the 100 bucks and go"
No way was I paying him 70 bucks extra. So I went to the petrol bunk and got change. Bugger.
Somehow I calmly paid him(relatively calmly) and didn't throw the money in his face. We virgos are known for suppressing our feelings.:P

Yes , I suppose there are some decent auto guys but mostly only in Mumbai. Generally, they just piss me off. Like, so bad. Wait, I already said that didn't I?
Okay, I'm going to stop now. Blogging is really therapeutic. Take all the anger and turn it into words I say and er post it on a public forum anonymously:P That's the ticket.

Good night y'all.

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The Lister is back!(no I do not care if that's not a word)

I cannot believe that in the entire 6 month existence of this blog, I have not made a single list. Hell, I love lists! Kind of. :P

Would it be too much to do a hot list??
Damn it, it's my blog!! Why am I even asking??
So here goes...The Hot List(guys only duhh)
We'll take it from the bottom, my faithful fan following already knows number one!

5. James McAvoy-Kinda dorky in Wanted but in Becoming Jane and Penelope...Whooaa! I cannot believe this guy was Mr.Tumnus.
4.Patrick Swayze- Only in Dirty Dancing...but mostly because I haven't seen other movies of his. Such an amazing dancer. RIP Patrick.
3.Ryan Reynolds-Eeeep! Oh the sarcastic comments! :D
2.Chace Crawford. You make Gossip Girl worth watching and er 'dating' a married woman not seem slutty!
1.Ian Somerhalder-Have you seen The Vampire Diaries??? No? Then you will not understand.Orr you might...Just look at him!

Okay I've been wanting to do that for a long time. I feel much better now.I have this weird feeling I missed someone out though. Oh well, he'll understand. :P

Ooh I've got another one. Very very random.(I know, I know, over-usage of the word. Bite me.)

Top 5 things to do when it's raining!

5.Maggie Noodles:)


3.Capuccino and cake+Two and a Half Men

2. Bed+Blankie+Chick-lit

1.Lotsa Blankies+pillows+Sleeeeeeep.

Oh Yeah.
Bangalore weather is good for all of this. Lucky Bangalore people. Sigh. Heat is so overrated.

Got one more coming up. Post I mean, not list(What I'm only human!):P.
Stay Tuned...;)

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So damn random

I'm sure all of us, at one point or another, have mulled over the extreme complexity of life. When we were little, things were simple, like, dislike(kinda like facebook :P), do, don't do, listen to parents, don't listen, tell the truth, lie and so on. Then the inevitable happens- You grow up. You read stuff, you experience stuff, you meet complex characters, the world isn't black and white anymore. It's like this messy, abstract painting with the random spots of bright color representing happy times with people you love. Gradually, your perspective changes, what seemed horrifying before doesn't seem so bad now. You're old enough to start fighting your childhood fears, you're old enough to hide stuff from your parents without feeling guilty, you're old enough to realise that people are flawed. Life is pretty short and we all want to get it right, because hello, we only live once. Wait, what I'm saying here is that we'll probably never understand the complexity of life, the irony of fate, the selfishness of human beings, why things don't happen when we so badly want them to, why one has to go down to go up(seriously, what is up with that?), whether fate really controls us, whether karma will catch up to us....I mean, who knows?

I think there are hardly any boundaries left these days. Nobody defines any, who even started it? The thing is boundaries, though limiting and prehistoric, make things feel simpler and safer. Remember those days when we had 'best friends' and used to literally declare it? "Oh, she's my best friend". Now we have a bunch of close friends who are probably close friends with another bunch of people, you don't really talk about how close you are. When we were kids, friendships were simple. Now you find yourself wondering, we were so tight, how did we drift apart? Should I call? Maybe they don't want to talk, what would they think? When did things become so complicated?? Even with romance, the more books I read, the more movies I watch, the more convinced I am that there's something we don't know. What if love doesn't exist? What if, in the end, everyone just succumbs to attraction and you know gets married because everyone around them is doing it? And, then they just either have affairs or carry on with life because they're too lazy to change anything? Happiness after all is transient. The happy life people refer to is just a term for peace and satisfaction. You can have that without being truly happy, you know, if there's something you know you're missing out on.
Oh, heck what am I going on about?Noone is going to get this!!I'm reading too many sordid books. I just read one where this girl says yes to a proposal from another guy even though she doesn't love him because he's good and makes her feel safe and crap n then realises she's really in love with her sister's husband whom her sister has just walked out on and probably has been for years! Wait, before the boring guy, she had an affair with a very much married man(to his college sweetheart,no less) and she basically liked the boring guy because he made her feel good. In the end, they get together(duh- ex-husband of sister guy and our heroine), of course,(I don't read books with sad endings) apparently he's loved her for years too. Yeesh. That was just disturbing. And yet one finds oneself rooting for just the kind of character we love to hate in chick-lits and one sees things from her point of view- hell, things are complicated, no black and white, everybody has a side, a reason, and a not-so-insane-sounding explanation. Who am I kidding? Crazy book! Stupid love is so complicated(Not that I have much experience but what I do have is plenty of time for brooding). Some people just chase after it all their lives and some people just don't bother. Maybe the latter are happier, they have no expectations after all.
Life gets complicated when you expect things.

I think I just aged like, 30 years.

In my defense, I did title it the disconnected ramblings.

p.s.- All movie and book ramblings from now on only on my page(tell me a story).

p.p.s. I probably shouldn't publish this but I'll go ahead anyway because that's what a blog is all about.

Good night y'all

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