Ghosts from the Past

How do you deal with your demons?

Those little annoying memories which pop up at inopportune moments and render you extremely uncomfortable?
Come on, everyone has their share of embarrassing crushes, incidents, painful memories that they would rather never be reminded of. Especially post a long struggle to get over them.
This ever happened to you-
You're in a very public place, possibly with friends, and a song plays on the radio; you cringe, almost visibly because that was the very song that reminds you of so and so, or the time when you danced with so and so(the so and so is now a He/She-who-must-not-be-mentioned.Ever.) or the time you sang in front of an unimpressed and unfriendly audience, or the time you were dancing on stage and fell off??
You're first instinct is to run screaming, but that would look excessively odd, so you settle for saying "Fuck, Fuck, will not think!!" repeatedly in your head.
If you're nodding as you read this (and I'm assuming that you are) then phew, I'm not nuts! Okay, maybe not so much at least.

So what is one to do? As discussed, running and screaming will not really help. So when do these phantoms go away?? Do we have to deal with it till our dying day? DOES EVERYBODY NEED THERAPY?? How come therapists don't need therapy??

Did y'all expect an over-smart solution to the problem?
I admit, normally, that would be the case but I really don't have an answer to this one.
Thing about ghosts is, they're going to haunt you till you're not scared anymore right? And for one to be not scared, one would have to accept and laugh off all the embarrassing stuff which would involve thinking about it at length which would totally drive anyone into alcoholism, shopaholism or at the very least to finishing an entire 2 liter bottle of coke and the contents of three ice trays within a span of a couple hours.
So screw that!
I'd rather take the temporary bouts of shudder-inducing unwanted recollections.
Ah, human mind, thou art so er...chicken.

More Later,

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Anonymous said...

me understand..i want to run away screaming when "ye dil deewana" form pardes is being played :(:( bad, bad memory...and u need therapy for eating ice! 3 trays..really? :P

Anonymous said...

me understand..i want to run away screaming when "ye dil deewana" form pardes is being played :(:( bad, bad memory...and u need therapy for eating ice! 3 trays..really? :P

Rachina Ahuja said...

yep, it's scary when that happens :( sometimes some song plays in the gym n i'm like "do not panic, do not frea" ya know? ok maybe i exaggerated about the ice :P dramatic effect :P:P

Anonymous said...

oh my..its especially traumatic when it plays in a public place! at home, you could just go running around screaming and hide under the bed covers :) and tooo dramatic :P

Rachina Ahuja said...

whoa....too dramatic is good...just dramatic has no effect at all :P

Unknown said...

hey...came across your blog while checking out the blogs that sayonee follows.
your writing style is awesome...the stuff that you've written about is something i can easily relate to...great work!

Rachina Ahuja said...

hey thanks so much shravya...means a lot :)

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