Take me away

So, I've officially gone and dug my grave. I've joined....

(awed silence)
I can't back out now, all paid up. I am so mad at the receptionist guy though! He asked me for my weight and my height and then he goes all " Oh, that comes under obese."
Excuse me?? Obese? I hardly think I am that far gone jerk-face. :( I nearly walked out but then I was like no, must not find excuses to quit before even starting. So I stayed and worked out and all. Yay me! Oh and there is not a single TV in the gym. Also, they asked me to put my mobile phone in some drawer. So basically, I have to work out with no distractions. If they play Umbrella once more, I don't know what I'll do. Must think thin, must think of old jeans which am not fitting into. Oh dear, this is going to be an agonizingly long month. And the television is mocking me by not showing any nice movies. Frankenfish is on now. Frankenfish!! Who, may I ask, is going to watch a movie named Frankenfish???!
Sniff , anyway, I've got a list.
My top 10 holiday destinations(inspired by sayonee and vidya):P

1. Holly Hollywood!

2. New York, the streets will make you feel brand new, big lights will inspire you :D

3. Viva Las Vegas! Casinos, fancy hotels, and all-you-can-eat buffets! Need I say more?

4.Switzerland-ahh ze chocolates and ze ddlj place!

5. Paris- Must go to Paris and eat french fries.

6.I'm thinking Greece. The only place where I might actually be intersted in historical buildings because hello, greek mythology rocks! Except for the Oedipus thing and another freaky story I read.

7. Orlando- Well, duh, Universal Studios.

8.Venice- Something so romantic about venice, I don't know. Must sit in Gondola. Santa Luciaaaa(or whatever that song is)

9. Okay, fine, London. :P

10.Rome- Something so romantic about Rome too.It looked so pretty in the Lizzie McGuire movie. Must go.

So what do you think? Hmm I don't know where to fit in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Miami. Damn. Anyway, I think I'd like to get married in Switzerland. You know, if I ever wish to get married. Or in Vegas, in corny Elvis suits! Bit much? :P Oh, or on a beach. Heck, all three!
Hmm, time to stop writing:P
Good night y'all

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Anonymous said...

get married in vegas...you can find a fake beach and fake switzerland there..probably :P and you gymming! me gymming too...bunked today though cuz i was angry with my father for stealing my blanket last night :P:P

Anonymous said...

get married in vegas...you can find a fake beach and fake switzerland there..probably :P and you gymming! me gymming too...bunked today though cuz i was angry with my father for stealing my blanket last night :P:P

Rachina Ahuja said...

true...but getting married in vegas is completely um unromantic...so maybe the 2nd or third time i get married :P(to the same guy don't worry)...hehe...yeah gymming! lets see how long it lasts...where u joined??

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